%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % Master M-File % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% 1 Initialize the process clear all clc path(path, '[HERE COMES YOUR PATH]'); addpath c:\dynare\4.4.2\matlab %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 2 PARAMETERS [HERE YOU DECLARE YOUR PARAMETERS AND ASSIGN VALUES] % EXAMPLE beta = 0.98; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 3 STEADY STATE [HERE YOU DEFINE YOUR STEADY STATE] % EXAMPLE nss = 1/3; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 4 SAVE PARAMETERS AND STEADY STATE save parameterfile.mat beta ; save steadystate.mat nss ; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% 5 RUN THE DYNARE FILE dynare sample_dynare [NOW YOU CAN START TO EXTRACT THE INFORMATION FROM YOUR DYNARE OUTPUT]